Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher
Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher

Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher

All thoughts of ingratiating herself just in time to inherit her grandmother’s ranch, the Golden T, quickly die when Karen sees the shabby buildings set on barren land. She turns to Sophia, her only remaining relative. Karen who unsuccessfully tried to end her life as well, is now penniless and homeless.

Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher

Karen’s wealthy father committed suicide when his illegal business practices came to light and he lost everything. Karen’s mother died a few years previously, still bitterly estranged from Sophia. “The sins of the fathers are visited upon the next generation and the next,” murmurs Sophia as she realizes the condition of Karen’s rejection-scarred heart, and what it will take to heal her. To Sophia’s sorrow, Karen resembles her mother in more ways than physically.The same tormented, haughty, love-starved spirit peers through Karen’s eyes. No introduction is necessary Karen is the living image of her deceased mother, Maggie Taylor Butler. It is a hot summer day in Idaho when eighty-two year-old Sophia Taylor sees the past step into the present in the form of her granddaughter, Karen Butler, whom she has never before met. Romance is a strong element, but the spiritual journey of each primary character remains paramount in this story of redemption and renewal. Robin Lee Hatcher boldly, but with great love, tackles heavy moral issues facing men and women today without wavering, as her characters learn to trust in the God who holds their futures as well as their pasts. So many regrets.” These words of Sophia Taylor echo through the pages of Whispers from Yesterday, an intricate tale of pain and despair rooted in the past – and the love, faith, and hope that heal the present and change the future. Soon Buck becomes the inspiration for Charity’s hero, both on the page and off.“So many regrets, Lord. When Charity’s dog causes an accident that leaves Buck with a broken ankle and wrist at the start of prime tourist season, Charity has little choice but to render aid while he recuperates. His life as a confirmed bachelor is far from complicated and the last thing he wants is to settle down. However, painful secret and old fears threaten to overwhelm her and knowing Buck Malone her high school classmate never left town to put his dreams on hold for the sake of his family. But her home in Boise has been damaged by a flood and she has a book deadline it seems that staying in her parents empty house seems the only option. Robin Lee Hatcher Synopsis: In Whenever You Come Around by Robin Lee Hatcher, having turned her back on Kings Meadow years ago Charity Anderson had a good reason and has avoided going back to her hometown whenever possible. If You Like Robin Lee Hatcher, You’ll Love…

Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher

Omnibuses also contain other books/stories by other authors. Notes: Kiss the Bride also contains stories by Melissa McClone and Kathryn Springer. The Hawk and the Heather (As: Robin Leigh)

Whispers from Yesterday by Robin Lee Hatcher